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Showing posts with the label Disaster management

Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Cyclone Preparedness:A Case Study of Katmarchar Village under Koyra upazila in Khulna district.

Abstract The remote coastal people of Bangladesh suffer from recurrent devastating cyclones from ancient time.   They expressed hard realities of life for cyclones and to cope with cyclones, they apply early warnings and some protection measures. This knowledge and practices reduce more or less damage and cost. It performs a socio-cultural and physical capital. The study is based on field survey by using PRA tools, questionnaire survey, visual survey and semi-structured questionnaire survey. Two FGD sessions is conducted for identifying symptoms and effectiveness of early warnings and another two FGDs is conducted for other preparedness measures of cyclones. Suggestion was given for early warnings of animal behaviour, weather behaviour, river & canal behaviour. How we can use this knowledge in the area is discussed in this study. Other indigenous practices like preparedness calendar, safe place and route map, paddy selection etc. provides a good idea about cy...

Flood Risk Mapping and Damage Analysis Using GIS

ABSTRACT Natural and manmade hazards and their destructive nature can seriously restrict economic development due to the loss of life and the destruction of property. It is the premise of this study that Geographic Information System (GIS) can be a useful tool for hazard identification and analysis for implementing mitigation strategies. Flooding is a natural phenomenon that occurs in Bangladesh almost every year with varied intensity. In this study GIS was used as a tool for flood hazard analysis, taking Nabinagar Upazila of Brhamanbaria District as a case study because of its geo-physical characteristics. The leading objectives of this study were to determine the Highest Flood Level (HFL) for a determined return period (25 years) and to analyze both the physical and economic damage caused by the determined flood level.   Using a deterministic approach of flood level prediction, highest flood level was determined by analyzing the previous 40 yearsā€™ highest water leve...