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Showing posts with the label Money Management

Money Management Behavior Pattern of Urban Poor

BACKGROUND Money is equally important to those who have it and those who donā€™t. It is comparatively easier to manage money well having more and difficult having less. The second one goes on behalf of the urban poor. The financial resource transacted by the urban poor depends on their owned assets (either inherited or self developed), their economic activities and more specifically the economic activities of the city they live. If the activities perform well then the poor can also run their livelihood well.    In the 20 th centaury due to the rapid urbanization resulted migration has increased the number of urban poor in cities. By migrating in the urban areas/cities their livelihood has changed/improved very less. With the government, bilaterally a lot of foreign aid organization or microfinance organizations are working to improve the practical life of these poor people and to some extent they have succeeded. But most of the cases they work as a provider rather tha...