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Showing posts with the label Define indicator

What is indicator? Types of indicators? Discuss with Example.

  An indicator is a measurable value that is used to assess the progress or status of a program, project, or policy. Indicators can be used to measure various aspects of a program, such as inputs, outputs, outcomes, or impact. There are several types of indicators, including: Input indicators: These measure the resources that are invested in a program, such as funding, staff, or equipment. For example, an input indicator for a school-based health program might be the number of staff members trained to provide health services. Output indicators: These measure the immediate results of a program, such as the number of people reached or the number of services provided. For example, an output indicator for a school-based health program might be the number of students who receive health screenings. Outcome indicators : These measure the intermediate or long-term effects of a program, such as changes in health status or behavior. For example, an outcome indicator for a school-based hea...