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Showing posts with the label Housing finance in khulna city

Scope of housing finance for the people of Khulna City

Chapter ā€“ One: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Bangladesh is a country of third world. It has a huge population against limited land like other third world countries. Natural increase of population, in migration, and unplanned development create the housing shortage in urban areas of Bangladesh . This problem is clearly unfavorable for rapid development. The effort of governments and the urban authorities in terms resource, capabilities and initiatives are highly inadequate to face the challenge. Khulna City Corporation has 15-lakh people within the area of 14 square miles. In a report of Asian Development Bank 1991, it was observed that about 54 thousand people live in 54 slums in Khulna city in KCC area. Now more than 2 lakh people are slum dwellers. On the other hand 50% population of Khulna City lives as tenants. Khulna Development Authority is responsible to supply plots among the city dwellers of varies income groups under site and services projects. However the lower ...