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Showing posts with the label Dynamics of Urban-Rural

Dynamics of Urban-Rural Linkage in South-Western Part of Bangladesh A Study of Khulna City and a Selected Village

1.1 Background of the study Most development theory and practice have only focused on either urban or rural issues without considering the interrelation between them. The relative emphasis placed on rural versus urban areas in the development policies of developing countries has shown considerable variation over time. Generally, these development strategies have addressed either urban or rural areas rather than the interdependencies between the two. This situation is very well known in the literature of rural-urban linkages as the ā€œruralurban divide (Tacoli, 2006).ā€ Recently, however, there is a growing recognition of the importance of focusing on the mutual interdependencies, rather than the ā€œseparateness,ā€ of rural and urban areas because the livelihoods of rural and urban households rely on both ā€œrural-basedā€ and ā€œurban-basedā€ resources as well as the exchanges between the two areas. However, several studies in different countries like Indonesia, Nepal, Tanzania shows that...