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Showing posts with the label TR

Understanding Total Reach in Development and Emergency Response Projects: A Guide with Real-life Examples from Bangladesh

In the world of project management, particularly in the realms of development and emergency response, understanding the concept of "Total Reach" is crucial. Total Reach encapsulates the full extent of a project's impact, encompassing not only direct beneficiaries but also indirect stakeholders and the broader community affected by the project's outcomes. In this blog post, we'll delve into what Total Reach means, how to calculate it for both development and emergency response projects and provide real-life examples from Bangladesh to illustrate its application. What is Total Reach? Total Reach goes beyond mere numbers of direct beneficiaries and seeks to quantify the broader influence and ripple effects of a project. It considers both direct beneficiariesā€”those who directly benefit from the project's interventionsā€”and indirect beneficiaries, who may be affected positively or negatively by the project's outcomes. This concept acknowledges that projects can ...