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Showing posts with the label hospital

Environmental Management of Hospitals in Khulna City

ABSTRACT Environmental management of hospital has become a matter of major concern in recent days with the growth of health facilities in both public and private sectors of Bangladesh. Environmental management of hospitals means to manage those functions of the hospitals which can be harmful for the urban environment. Traditionally hospital waste is the major concern for environmental management of hospitals. In this study beside the clinical waste management, the locational and site characteristics of the hospitals are also studied. In Khulna City there are 7 public and 65 private hospitals and clinics. These hospitals are clustered in some particular areas which are less density populated areas. Most of them are located in the residential areas which are not suitable for cityā€™s environment. The hospitals stand beside the road and there are no facilities for car parking and this create problems for pedestrian movement. The hospitals in Khulna City generate about 1581 kg of w...