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Internal Resource Mobilization of the Urban Local Government in Bangladesh

1.1 Background The Pourashavas are one tiers of urban local government in Bangladesh . There is both cooperation as well as separation of activities between the urban local government and the central government in regards financial management and administration, maintenance of law and order, prevention of law and order, development of infrastructure etc. For the reason, local governments will have to develop a history of generating an annual surplus of revenues over expenditures. So, not only must the local government manage its finances well, they must be able to present well maintained budgeting and accounting records to verify their performance. There are only three ways that a local government can reliably develop a surplus that they can commit to long term debt repayment. They can increase their “own source revenues” as currently defined. They can reduce their expenditures. They can develop new sources of revenue. In Bangladesh , the income of Pourashava depends o...


1.1 Background of the study: While the world is moving towards for persuading better society and better living environments, then the people of this country are still fighting for their basic needs, health care facility is one of them. According to WHO, “health means the condition of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (physical and mental health).Nutrition means the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy and malnourishment refers to lack of deficiency of particular nutrients, like proteins, vitamins and minerals.   During the last few decades, although significant improvements have been made in the health sector, yet less than 40 percent of the population have access to modern and affordable primary health care facilities and in rural area the situation is more worse. For the low level of awareness and education they are not aware about the nutrition and healt...

Environmental Management of Hospitals in Khulna City

ABSTRACT Environmental management of hospital has become a matter of major concern in recent days with the growth of health facilities in both public and private sectors of Bangladesh. Environmental management of hospitals means to manage those functions of the hospitals which can be harmful for the urban environment. Traditionally hospital waste is the major concern for environmental management of hospitals. In this study beside the clinical waste management, the locational and site characteristics of the hospitals are also studied. In Khulna City there are 7 public and 65 private hospitals and clinics. These hospitals are clustered in some particular areas which are less density populated areas. Most of them are located in the residential areas which are not suitable for city’s environment. The hospitals stand beside the road and there are no facilities for car parking and this create problems for pedestrian movement. The hospitals in Khulna City generate about 1581 kg of w...