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What is indicator? Types of indicators? Discuss with Example.

 An indicator is a measurable value that is used to assess the progress or status of a program, project, or policy. Indicators can be used to measure various aspects of a program, such as inputs, outputs, outcomes, or impact.

There are several types of indicators, including:

  1. Input indicators: These measure the resources that are invested in a program, such as funding, staff, or equipment. For example, an input indicator for a school-based health program might be the number of staff members trained to provide health services.
  2. Output indicators: These measure the immediate results of a program, such as the number of people reached or the number of services provided. For example, an output indicator for a school-based health program might be the number of students who receive health screenings.
  3. Outcome indicators: These measure the intermediate or long-term effects of a program, such as changes in health status or behavior. For example, an outcome indicator for a school-based health program might be the percentage of students who improve their nutrition or physical activity.
  4. Impact indicators: These measure the overall results of a program, such as changes in population health or social welfare. For example, an impact indicator for a school-based health program might be the reduction in the rate of obesity among students.


A school-based health program aims to improve the health and well-being of students by providing health screenings, nutrition education, and physical activity programs. Indicators that can be used to measure the success of this program include:

Input indicators: number of staff members trained to provide health services

Output indicators: number of students who receive health screenings and number of nutrition and physical activity programs provided

Outcome indicators: percentage of students who improve their nutrition or physical activity levels

Impact indicators: reduction in the rate of obesity among students, improvement in students' overall health and well-being as measured by health screenings, and increase in student academic performance as a result of improved health.

It's worth noting that indicators should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to ensure that they are useful for monitoring and evaluating the program. Additionally, it is important to select indicators that are appropriate for the program's goals and objectives and that align with the available data collection tools and resources.


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