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Most Commonly Used Urban Planning Terminologies in Bangladesh

1. Zoning: Zoning is a regulatory tool used by local governments to control land use within their jurisdictions. It divides land into different zones or districts, each with specific regulations governing how the land can be used. For example, zones may be designated for residential, commercial, industrial, or mixed-use purposes. 2. Land Use: Land use refers to the specific purpose for which a piece of land is utilized, such as residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, or agricultural. It plays a crucial role in urban planning by determining the spatial distribution of different activities within a city. 3. Density: Density measures the concentration of people, buildings, or activities within a given area. It is usually expressed in terms of people per unit of land area (e.g., inhabitants per square kilometer) or buildings per acre. High-density areas typically have more compact development, while low-density areas have more spread-out development. 4. Mixed-use Development:...

Legal framework and policies in Bangladesh related to addressing GBV.

  Bangladesh has taken several legal and policy measures to address gender-based violence (GBV) and promote gender equality. Here are some key legal frameworks and policies in Bangladesh related to addressing GBV: { Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2010 : This act provides legal protection and remedies for victims of domestic violence. It defines domestic violence broadly, covering physical, mental, sexual, and economic abuse within marital and familial relationships. It criminalizes various forms of domestic violence and establishes Special Tribunals to hear cases and provide protection orders. { Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain (Women and Children Repression Prevention Act), 2000: This law addresses various forms of violence against women and children, including rape, acid violence, trafficking, and sexual harassment. It prescribes severe penalties for offenders and sets up specialized courts to expedite the legal process and ensure the rights of survivors. {...