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Guidelines for Data Quality Assessment (DQA)


       Guidelines for Data Quality Assessment (DQA)

What is Data Quality Assessment (DQA)?

DQA stands for Data Quality Assessment or Data Quality Audit. It is a systematic process of evaluating the quality of data that is being collected, processed, stored, and used in a program or project. The objective of DQA is to identify and address any issues or challenges related to data quality that may affect the validity, reliability, and usefulness of the data.

The DQA process typically involves a review of data collection methods, data entry processes, data management systems, data analysis procedures, and data reporting and dissemination processes. The DQA may also include a review of the quality of the data itself, including data completeness, accuracy, consistency, and timeliness.

The results of the DQA are used to identify areas for improvement in the data management and analysis processes, and to develop a plan for addressing any issues that have been identified. The DQA can also provide valuable information for decision-makers, as it can help to ensure that the data being used to support program or project decisions is of high quality and reliability.

In summary, DQA is an important component of any program or project, as it helps to ensure that the data being used is of high quality and that decisions are based on accurate and reliable information.

DQA refers to a standard of qualitative or quantitative data highlighting the results of the interventions of a project/program. Generally, the standard of data should be of sufficiently high quality to support management needs for planning and decision-making. In fact, high-quality data are the cornerstone for evidence-based decision-making. Through the DQA process, one can determine the status of the data quality standard of the data being reported.

What are Data Quality Standards?

To ensure the quality of data, a performance monitoring system must address the data quality standards. In other words, to be useful for monitoring and credible for reporting, data should reasonably meet the standards of data quality, which are as follows:

Validity: Data should clearly and adequately represent the intended result.

Reliability: Data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes and analysis methods over time.

Timeliness: Data should be available at a useful frequency, should be current, and should be timely enough to influence management decision-making.

Integrity: Data collected should have safeguards to minimize the risk of transcription error or data manipulation.

Completeness: Data should be "100% complete" in respect of its structure and inclusiveness.

Data that do not meet these standards (see Annex 1 for details) could result in an erosion of confidence in the data or could lead to poor decision-making. Maintaining data quality standards requires strong leadership and commitment to project management.

Purpose of DQA:

The purpose of a DQA is to ensure that the project management is aware of:

Ā·         Strengths and weaknesses of indicator data, as determined by applying the five data quality standards and the extent to which data integrity can be trusted to influence management decisions; and  

Ā·         Take necessary measures for resolving data quality issues

DQA must be conducted for each performance indicator reported by an Implementing Partner. In the case of Suchana, this includes the indicators reported in the MPDS, quarterly progress report, and annual narrative report.

When DQA should be conducted?

DQA must occur for an indicator within three months of being reported and then every year thereafter. However, the Suchana MEAL team may choose to conduct DQAs more frequently if there is consistent data quality issues with the implementing partners. Usually, the following circumstances are considered for conducting a DQA more frequently:

Ā·         When an indicator is identified as having a high risk of error in implementation (e.g., the indicator may include unclear or inherently complicated data collection methodology);

Ā·         When indicator data deviate excessively from the target (e.g., the indicator has a target of 100 and the actual data that are reported is 952);

Ā·         When stakeholders or implementers suggest there may be issues with indicator data;

Ā·         When staff seek to confirm that a previously identified data quality problem has been resolved; and

Ā·         When the indicator data are critically or strategically important (in respect of reporting to the donor)

Who is responsible for conducting DQA?

Ideally, Suchana MEAL team members are responsible for the content and timely completion of the DQA. The concerned TP project managers and IP project coordinators are encouraged to participate in the DQA. This promotes internal understanding and ownership of the strengths and weaknesses of the data and enables them to work together to address any uncovered programmatic issues that contribute to data limitations.

Selection of indicators for DQA:

Suchana MEAL framework includes various types of indicators to measure results occurring at different levels of objectives. The sources of data of these indicators are also different.

Objective hierarchy

Types of indicators

Sources of data

Responsible of data


Impact indicators

End line evaluation



Outcome indicators

Annual survey

Semi-annual survey



Output indicators

Semi-annual survey,



Process indicators



The data collection and data analysis of the end-line evaluation and annual/semi-annual surveys are done under a strong data quality assurance process. DQA has a very minor chance to add value to the indicators covered by this evaluation and surveys. However, a different DQA process will be used to assess the data quality of these indicators.

On the other hand, the data of the output and process indicators are collected and reported by the frontline staff of the technical and implementing partners. These data are frequently used for decision-making. So, all these data should undergo a DQA process to attain high quality so that decisions can be made properly intends to lead the Suchana goal.

How to conduct DQA:

The process for conducting a DQA varies depending on how and by whom the data are collected. This guideline describe the method of conducting a DQA of the primary data collected by implementing partners for output and process indicators. The process of this type of DQA includes the following five steps:

1.     Preparation: The first step of conducting a DQA is selecting which indicators will undergo a DQA and notifying the relevant partners or stakeholders about the date of the DQA. Suchana's MEAL team should maintain a schedule of DQA for each indicator. Such a schedule will help them to conduct DQAs of multiple indicators at the same time.

2.     Desk Review: The desk review is usually held at the head office of the implementing partners where the DQA team reviews all available documents related to the indicator before going to the field to verify data. For example, training plans, training modules, training attendance sheets, etc. to be reviewed for training indicators. Similarly, IGA procurements documents, IGA distribution register, IGA selection criteria, etc. to be reviewed for IGA indicator. The implementing partnerā€™s work plan might also prove useful to the DQA team to help them identify what activity efforts or specific interventions are producing the data.

For indicators that have previously undergone a DQA, the focus should be on documents and data that have been created and collected since the previous DQA was conducted. These documents include all reports to Suchana in which performance data were reported (e.g., monthly reports, quarterly reports, annual reports, and other special reports). The DQA team should review these documents to understand their improvement in maintaining data quality standards.

3.     Field Review: The field review includes visiting the field offices of implementing partners (UzC Office in the case of Suchana), where data are collected, verified, analyzed, and stored. The DQA team will observe and review databases, filing systems, and data verification processes. They will also meet with partner staff (such as SCM, FF, and Union Coordinators) to discuss and understand data collection challenges in the field, and assess their understanding of the data quality standards of each indicator. If needed, the DQA team may visit BHHs to interview beneficiaries for verifying data reported by IPs.

In Suchana, IPs are working in 20 Upazilas under Sylhet and Moulavibazar districts. It is not feasible for the DQA team to personally visit each Upazila. It is also not feasible to visit the field offices of all the implementing partners to assess each and every indicator. In this case, the DQA team may select a sample of UzC offices to examine in person. See Annex-2 for the DQA sampling framework.

4.     Documentation: The results of a DQA are documented in the DQA checklist (Annex-3) and in the summary report (Annex-4) that highlights any uncovered data limitations, challenges, planned mitigation efforts, and updating the date of the next DQA. The DQA report for any indicator whose data are being collected by multiple sources (often multiple implementing partners) should be stored in a centralized place (in Suchana Sylhet Office) so all parties collecting and using the indicator have easy access to the information uncovered in the DQA. DQA reports should also be shared with all partners collecting data for the indicator.

5.     Mitigation Plan: Once the DQA is completed, the DQA team should assess whether any mitigation actions are needed to address data quality concerns. If there are some data quality concerns, but managers feel comfortable that the data are of sufficient quality and mitigation would be too costly when compared to marginal benefits, then there may be no need for further action beyond documenting the data limitation. On the other hand, the identification of data quality concerns may call for a mitigation plan, particularly if the data will be used to inform decisions or if the data are reported externally. The DQA team, in consultation with the IPPC, should clearly document the decision and justification for an action or no action in the DQA report. The DQA report includes a section to record ā€œactions needed to address limitations prior to the next DQA.ā€

 Annex 1

Data Quality Standards

 To be useful in managing for results and credible for reporting, Suchana should ensure that the performance data meet five data quality standards. In some cases, performance data will not fully meet all five standards, and the known data limitations should be documented. The five quality standards that cover quantitative and qualitative performance data are:

  1.  Accuracy: It is also known as validity. Accurate data should clearly and adequately represent the intended result. In other words, data accuracy refers to whether the data values stored for an indicator are the correct values. To be correct, data values must be the right value and must be represented in a consistent and unambiguous form. Another key issue is whether data reflect a bias such as an interviewer bias, unrepresentative sampling, or transcription bias
  2. Reliability. Data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes and analysis methods from over time. The key issue is whether different analysts would come to the same conclusions if the data collection and analysis processes were repeated. Program teams should be confident that progress toward performance targets reflects real changes rather than variations in data collection methods.
  3. Timeliness. Data should be timely enough to influence management decision-making at the appropriate levels. One key issue is whether the data are available frequently enough to influence the appropriate level of management decisions. A second key issue is whether data are current enough when they become available.
  4.  Integrity. Data that are collected, analyzed, and reported should have established mechanisms in place to reduce the possibility that they are intentionally manipulated for political or personal reasons. Data integrity is at the greatest risk of being compromised during data collection and analysis.
  5. Completeness. Data should be "100% complete" in respect of its structure and inclusiveness. It should represent the beneficiaries associated with the result and maintain homogeneity in the unit of data collection. Moreover, data should be sufficiently precise to present a fair picture of performance and enable management decision-making at the appropriate levels. One key issue is whether data are at an appropriate level of detail to influence related management decisions.

Annex - 2

DQA Sampling Framework

The main objective of the DQA sampling framework is selecting Upazila/Union and the group of beneficiaries for DQA field visit. Two-stage cluster sampling will be used in this regard. In the first stage, a cluster of Upazila/Union will be determined, while in the second stage, a cluster of the beneficiary group will be determined from the selected cluster of Upazila/Union. The DQA team will work with the relevant stakeholders (UzC, UC, APC, MEKMO etc.) to determine the number of clusters and groups within clusters. The appropriate number of sites and clusters depends on the objectives of the assessment. A large number of clusters and groups may be needed if DQA covers various indicators that deal with various type of stakeholders under different implementing partners. Often it isnā€™t necessary to have a statistically robust estimate of the sample for DQA. It is sufficient to have a reasonable estimate of the accuracy of reporting to direct system-strengthening measures and build capacity on data quality standards. A reasonable estimate requires far fewer sites and is more practical in terms of resources. In some cases, the DQA team looks for answers of the following questions to determine how extensive the field review should be and how big sample sites will be required for this review:

Ā·         Does the desk review raise concerns about the quality of data? Do these concerns vary across the sites and the implementing partners?

Ā·         Does the DQA team expect the same level of quality beyond the sample?

Ā·      Are the data being used for management or reporting purposes that are of such importance that greater time and effort should be spent on conducting the DQA?

Ā·         What level of limitations may be acceptable in respect of data quality?

Generally, 3 Unions will be sampled from 3 Upazilas to assess each indicator. In each Union, one or two groups will be selected to gain an understanding of the quality of the data and the corrective measures required to improve its quality. Random sampling techniques can be utilized to select a (representative) group whose data quality is indicative of the whole program. The Upazilla and Union will be selected using a simple random sampling method. In all cases, the purposive sample may be taken to address data quality issues of an area highlighted in the MPDS or any other report submitted by the implementing partners.


DQA Checklist[1]



Name of indicator being assessed


Date of the DQA


Location of the DQA


Name of Suchana staff involved in DQA


Name of persons met by the DQA team



1.     ACCURACY: Data clearly and adequately representing the intended result in a consistent and unambiguous form (35)


Score allocated

Score obtained

Please Explain

Does the indicator measure results of interventions implement?




Are the people reporting the results to understand properly what they should report and when, and are guided properly by the supervisor?




Is there any effort in place to reduce the potential for personal bias by the people collecting the data?




Is the data collection instrument (Android Apps, paper-based checklist, etc.) designed properly and the data collector can use the instrument efficiently?




Are the numbers reported for this indicator accurate? (Check related documents to verify the number). Does it aggregate properly?




Is data collected in the same format as it has been reported? If converted, does it convert properly?




Compare the data reported to Suchana with MIS/MPDS/MAPDS/QR. Does it match? If not, why?




2.     RELIABILITY: Data is collected and reported through a stable and consistent processes (20)

Is a consistent data collection process/method and instrument used from the beginning of the project?




Is there a system in place to verify data? Are these data verified before using for data analysis and reporting? (picture, attend sheet, master roll, etc.)




Are written procedures/instructions in place for data collection, cleaning, analysis, and reporting? Did you see the documents?




3.     TIMELINESS: Data should be sufficiently frequent and current to inform management decision making (10)

Are data reported at the time it should be reported? What is the average range of recall for reporting data of an event/activity?




Are data reported within the desired period? (monthly, quarterly, or annually as per DFID schedule)




4.     INTEGRITY: Data should be protected from manipulation for political or personal reasons (15)

Are data safe enough from the possibility of unauthorized changes or manipulation?




Is there any possibility of having a transfer error while exporting data from Suchana MIS/MPDS/MAPDS/QR/master roll/attend sheet for analysis and reporting?




Is a responsible person skilled enough in data management, analysis, and reporting?




5.     COMPLETENESS: Data should be sufficiently accurate to present a fair picture of performance (15)

Is data reported with all necessary attributes?




Is there a method in place for detecting duplicate data? Is reported data free from duplication




Is there a method in place for detecting missing data? Is anything missing in the reported data?




6.     CONCLUSIONS (5)

Is the DQA team satisfied with the overall credibility/quality of the data?




Annex- 4:

Reporting Template

Once DQA is accomplished, the team will compile responses in one DQA checklist for each of the indicators and will prepare a summary narrative report highlighting key findings, observations, improvement areas, and action points to be undertaken for further improvement of the data. The complied DQA checklist will be annexed to the summary report. Please give a few action pictures in the report. The summary report will be prepared as per the following template:


Please briefly describe the data type that has been assessed, the sample site and area covered and team composition etc.


Please briefly describe the following performance score with findings.


Performance score for data quality standards

Important observations/ Improvement areas to be considered








































Challenges in Data Quality Assurance

Please briefly describe the challenges of generating high-quality data


Please briefly describe the key recommendations to be undertaken

Action plan (or issue log)

Based on the improvement area an action plan will be made as per the template below.

Summarize key issues that the Program should follow up on at various levels of the system (e.g., issues found at the site level and/or at the intermediate aggregation site level).


Action to be undertaken

Responsible person


Support needed (From whom)

Follow-up Date

Issue Reference




































[1] This checklist must be filled in for each indicator undergone for DQA

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