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Integrating Physical Planning In Street Crime Prevention In Khulna City:A Study On Khulna Thana

Urban Crime

Although the feeling of safety contributes crucially to the quality of life of citizens, streets of Bangladesh have become very unsafe and become a major domain for urban crime. In this regard, various authorities are playing their role and Special Forces are keeping the street under strict surveillance. But, the progress is very low and slow. In fact the situation is getting worse every day. In such a circumstances, it is high time for every part of the society and the professionals to play their respective roles and duties. Thus decision makers in the city councils as well as the citizens themselves think about strategies to make life in cities safer. Authorities must follow a legal mandate to guarantee public safety as a public good. But, what is plannersā€™ role and how can physical planning elements be used as a tool in this case? This paper tries to find this answer to these questions. In developed world, through a systematic approach planners are already playing their role. They are trying to reduce crime by creating safer street and neighbourhood environment. The similar initiatives can be applicable in developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper explores adopted approach in developed world and has tried to introduce some ways and means through which planners may involve themselves in street crime prevention. Also this paper tries to show the relationship between the physical environment elements and the crime, and how it creates opportunity for the criminals to commit crime. And last of all this paper has sought to recommend some measures which is not solely about crime prevention but about making streets safer for the citizen, but also better in a number of other ways. This means it is concerned with the promotion of safe, sustainable and attractive environment that meet the full set of planning objectives. In short, it is about good planning in general, and its particular role in tackling crime and the fear of crime. The guidelines provided here aim at showing how good planning can contribute to crime prevention and the creation of safer streets or places and hence to well-designed, sustainable communities. We need to create environment in which people want to occupy and use, creating a strong and positive sense of communal identity.At the core of the proposals this paper tried to show a normative model of crime prevention through a network of co-operation between different actors. In fact this paper is an initiative to give planners some food for thought to ensure their participation in street crime prevention and to provoke the decision maker about the effectiveness of planning tools in this regard.


1.1 Urbanization and Urban crime
Everyday more and more people are rushing to the cities because of attractions like better job opportunity, improved facilities and services. So the rapid urbanization is creating problems like urban sprawl, inadequate service and facilities, difficulty in physical planning due to rapid growth directly. Indirectly urbanization is also influencing human behaviour, their attitude, ethics, urbanism and social responsibility. These very factors of urbanization are also acting like the womb for urban crime. In fact urban violence is not a spontaneous phenomenon but rather the product of a society characterized by inequality and social exclusion. ā€œHigh rates of urban population growth in developing countries have created serious problems of insufficient employment opportunities, pressure on social services, particularly education, health and housing, and a rise in urban crimesā€ (Lucas,1980). In developing countries there arise serious problems like poverty, not enough employment opportunity, insufficient of resources and service facilities. In Bangladesh today the overpopulated cities with a picture of poverty, congestion, moral degradation and a general lack of order and discipline represents the image as a developing country.Table1.1 shows urban crime in Khulna City with respect of urbanization
Table 1.1.1: Urbanization and urban crime in Khulna City
Source: Urban area report, 1974- 1991 and BBS, 2001.

Crime is stimulated by social, economic or physical factors. Social factors like human behaviour, their attitude, ethics, poverty, lack of law and order, urbanism and social responsibility influence to stimulate crime. On the other hand economic situation also the main factors to motivate ones mind to encourage illegal occurrence. Karim, (1960) has shown that incidence of theft and burglary varies inversely with prosperity of people and economic sufficiency of Bangladesh. Physical environment also a tool for crime occurrence. Physical factors like land use, circulation, space management, territorial boundary etc. influence people to commit crime. Crime may also occur due to politically inspired disturbance during which, even many personal enmities or insults are resolved through physical violence. What ever the cause of crime is, it makes the city life hazardous and inconvenient. 

1.2 Urban Crime: Its influence in city environment
Crime and insecurity in urban life are a world-wide phenomenon. This is reflected in the physical development of city area and in the lifestyles of those who live there. Fear of violence and crime has discouraged people from using public transport, streets and public spaces. So there should be a way out from the trepidation of crime. Crime problems affect peopleā€™s individual lives, their families and the whole community. Preventing crime and reducing the fear of crime represents a challenge for any community, and requires cooperative action by community members, law and enforcement authority. Strategies or plans for dealing with street crime problems are best undertaken at the local community level. By putting crime prevention into action, it will be helpful to contribute to the peace of mind and enjoyment of the community. Prevention of street crime, gives citizens and organizations another tool to use in safer life. ā€œAnxieties about personal safety lead individuals to control where they go and when they go to places, and/or to control the activities of others for whom they have responsibility. Research consistently shows a strong link between fear of crime and spatial behaviour. If individuals are frightened, they adjust their behaviour to reduce the level of risk.ā€ (Harrison et al, 1995).

1.3 Urban Crime: A burning problem for Bangladesh
 In Bangladesh during 1998 to 2003  1,033 urban crime occurrence  have been recorded by the news paper and the different types of crimes encountered were armed robbery, thefts, burglary mugging, murder, looting. In a days these types of crimes occurs on Street in broad day light and outburst in a worse outlook.

Bangladesh is a developing country. Its civil facilities are too limited and most of the people are illiterate and poor. But crime has made people of this little (144000 sq. km.) and poor country as hostages. It spreads over both urban and rural areas in this country. The pattern and intensity of crime increased very rapidly. Now it is a great problem in Bangladesh for her development. Khulna city is not out of this danger. There are various types of crime seen in Khulna city such as killing, terrorism, theft, drug selling and buying, black marketing, mugging, buglery, road side services, etc. Causes of these crimes also vary according to crime type. Unfortunately all these crimes occur on street in Khulna city. So Crime is almost uncontrollable in Khulna city. This phenomenon rises the question ā€œWhy it is so uncontrollable?ā€ and ā€œCan it be solved through a cooperative planning approach?ā€ This very question inspires to approach the study.

Islam, et al (1996) conducted a book and they described only few information about crime, its nature and extent, monthly pattern of crimes, its reason. They also described the long term temporal distribution of crimes, crime by major cities and occurrence time & weather of crime.

1.4 The idea of the research
Bangladesh is a poor country in the third world and it tried to develop but its main impedance is crime. Now a days Bangladesh is a prominent area for the criminals to offence crimes. So it is very important to way out from this situation and develops the poor country. The main aim of the study is to find out the reason behind occurring crime and some solution to reduce its effect on people or living environment. So, First of all their should be a clear explanation of what is crime ā€œCrime is an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law, committed without defence or justification and sanctioned by the state as a felony or misdemeanour (Reid, 1996)ā€

Crimes frequently occurred in our country in the last decades and every year its occurrence breaks the past records. It outbursts in a worse outlook. But why this situation is created? There are many reasons for occurring crime in our country such as socio-economic factors (degradation of norms and values, organization and institutions, unemployment, etc.) and physical factors. But in this day crimes occur in every place, even it occurs in street at day light. The study concerned only enmities of street crime and ignored others crime. Now the definition of street crime is ā€œCrimes which occur within the jurisdiction of the street can be defined as street crime. Street crime includes Mugging (undesirable adventure control ordinance, 1952), Graffiti, Robbery, Illegal parking, Prostitution, Vandalism, Murder, Theft, Hijack, on street parking, etc. (undesirable adventure control ordinance, 1952 and obstructions in fair ways act, 1912)ā€.

Cox, S and Wade J. (n. d.) written a book, they tried to provide a comprehensive, practical view of crime and criminal justice. They described some practical aspects and causes of the crimes and criminal justice network with some theoretical model. This approach involves a thorough examination of the public. Throughout the book, they have tried to provide recent examples to illustrate and some added some discussion of community policing and other new or recycled materials of prevention crime.

1.5 Elements of crime
Crime has sudden elements. These elements control or facilitate the occurrence of crime. Victim, offender, environment are the basic elements of crime ( Liberman et all 2000). Preventers can also be integrated in this category as actor. According to UN Economic and Social Council, these actors are: local elected officials, public institutions, private sectors, community representative etc. the victims are generally women, children, aged people, fear and weak people and people who does not have sense of belonging (parker,2000). On the other hand offenders are the opportunist who has capability (reid, 1997). If we look at the elements ā€˜Environmentā€™, many categories come before us. But broadly Physical, Social, Political and Economic Environment can be mentioned. There are close relationship among the elements. An offender looks for a friendly environment where he can commit crime and a person becomes a victim when he becomes week to fight back offender due to surrounding environment. Crime occurs when all the elements are activated at a particular scene.

Element of Urban Crime

1.6 Research question:
For doing this work, the main theme is to find out the cooperative approaches which may reduce the street crime and its application.
1.      Why Street Crime is increasing?
2.      Why it is so uncontrollable?
3.      What is the reason behind this outburst in a worse outlook?
4.      Can it be solved through cooperative crime prevention approach?

1.7 Specific Objectives
ĀØ         To observe present street crime situation and crime prevention approaches of Khulna city.
ĀØ         To find out the physical environmental issues which influence street crime.
ĀØ         To propose a physical planning integrate cooperative crime prevention approaches.

1.8 Potentials of the research
Bangladesh is trying to develop for several years but it is failed to achieve the aim due to mismanage of its resources, high population pressure and corruption. As a result it increases insufficient employment opportunity, pressure on social services and so forth. This situation creates pressure on young generation and they felt in depressed. That is why the rate of crime increases rapidly day by day. So social causes are the predominant factors of occurring crime. Also weak governance at local and national levels can result in the extreme failure of the public sector safety. In many countries like Bangladesh the police force can not contributes to the problem because they have not sufficient police force, political pressure, etc. In this situation the main victims are urban poor of insecure urban environments because they are not able to afford to protect themselves from crimes. The rich can afford to make them safety and they feel that it is necessary for them. In Bangladesh it is the common situation in all over the country. So it is clear that safe urban environments must be provided for all people in equally.

Safe urban environment needs proper planning and adequate community support to solve the additional problems of crime and insecurity. The solutions to the problems of insecure urban environments are quite simple and not difficult to find and it can be solved through cooperative planning approach. So, ā€œCooperative crime prevention approachā€, it means to link administrative authorities with the public for crime reduction. So Cooperative crime prevention approach is an approach which is based on the cooperation of different categories of organization with public (Stummvoll, 1975). Its aims to a solution through cooperative group including urban design, law and enforcement authority and public for crime reduction. If cooperative crime prevention approach can be applied for crime prevention, there are major benefits of addressing crime problems through a cooperative street crime prevention strategy or plan:
Ā·         Brings people together and helps develop important networks and partnerships between community stakeholders and concern authority.
Ā·         Promotes a sense of ownership and responsibility for making improvements to the neighbourhood and their life style.
Ā·         Supports local leadership and management of a problem and its solution and;
Ā·         Leads to a greater impact on crime problems than individuals working alone; and contributes to healthier communities.
Source (Winnipeg, 2001)

The Study involved an investigation of the role of physical planning in crime prevention in the inner city. Its principal focus is on the impact of specific physical and design issues on crime of the study area. This study has been emphasized on existing circumstances and providing guidelines to ensure future planning and streetscape design for reducing the incidence of crime and community fears about the safety of living environment.


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