Urbanization is
a process of urban growth which is continuously change, it is a dynamic process
and the output of the urbanization is directly affect its landuse, despite its
chaotic appearance at any particular moment, occurs in regular spatial and
temporal patterns that are clearly distinguishable to anyone who was watched a
city grow over time. Changes in landuse are the end result of a variety of
forces that the millions of separate choices made by individuals and
governments. In this study, driving forces behind the trend in growth
variation are carefully laid out in a
way that shows links between them at each step in the development process and
the another factors which is very much related with the change of landuse is
the social and economic factors that also be identified. The forces that drive
urban growth are well known and fairly well understood, the ultimate driver is
population growth and household formation, which, when combined with growth in
income and wealth, spurs new housing and commercial area development an
consumption of land for housing. For this study three study areas have been
selected with three different characteristics (densely, faster developing and
less developed ward). The main purpose of this study is to identify the reason
of urban growth variation among different wards and physical development
pattern of that particular ward. Rigorous studies have been taken to identify
and analyzed the key reason for urban growth variation. Some indicators are
critically analyzed to identify the growth variation, those are migration,
location of working places, house rent, urban basic facilities, these are the
upcoming issues to live in an urban area and the imbalances of above indicators
make an area less urbanized. For examine the physical development pattern the
last three decades ( from 1985 to 2004) have been considered and the landuse
changing pattern, its direction, intensity of development during various
decades have been critically evaluated, which helps to identify how the area
been developed. Usually people are always want to live with good environment
and for this reason they always found a suitable site where sufficient job are
exist, well communication, etc. The core findings of this study is to
identifying the key reasons of dynamics of urban growth and after identified
those reason a measure would be taken to recommend some guideline how the city
will developed later, how a balanced growth can be ensure with considering the
following aspects. This research helps to identify the key determinants of
urban growth and their impact and it also suggest some recommendation that how
a balance development can be ensure over the city.
1.1 Genesis of the research
Urbanization and
urban growth are the result of combination of natural increase of the urban
population and net immigration to urban areas. Urbanization can be regarded
from demographic point of view, in terms of the proportion of countryās
population living in towns and cities. It is observed that urbanization is very
closely linked with industrialization or the overall economic development; and
the process of urbanization exhibits a pattern in which the rate of change is
show at first, i.e., before industrialization begins, then the rate rises
steeply as the early stages of industrialization are reached, and tapers off
gradually when the proportion urban beings to reach a saturation point. Finally
as most of the populations become urbanized, urbanization falls to keep peace
with economic development, which continuous.
The growth of
metropolitan cities has to be seen against the overall growth of population of
the country and the rate of growth of its economy. It is generally observed
that where the population growth rate is high, metropolitan cities also grow.
It is the agglomeration of all economic activities. But it varies, and its
growing pattern varying spatially from place to place, all places are not same
or homogeneous. This dynamic change has been brought about by the economic
forces resulting by migration and other facilities that compel an increasing
number of people to move from the country to urban area.
The City
corporation area is never homogeneous and hence urban activities are never
uniformly distributed, the human desires and aspirations- a metropolitan areas
is born out of them- rarely leave out spaces from development, especially in
the areas proximity to the CBD. The nature of metropolitan development abhors vacuum,
this sets of in different pattern of hierarchical distribution of different
types of activities over the metropolitan areas. They are further influenced or
modified by political, geographical, resources, topographic, and transportation
It is not known whether
all these different patterns together may lead to an overall pattern ā spatial,
functional and demographic. The horizontal dimensions of space are certainly a
basic determinant of population distribution. Every one wants to live pretty
close to him/her place of work. But in the process while trying to throw others
out one finds oneself frequently thrown out a distance beyond oneās desire. The
desire to have as many things as possible and as conveniently as possible leads
to agglomeration of diversified central functions in single unified locations.
This throw us our to non ā central locations. This contradicts the desire to
have things as cheaply as possible because of additional transport cost to
overcome the distance. There are may be another factor for the divergence of
urban growth with in the metropolitan area.
Though the City
corporation area is very much urbanized and congested but some of its area
remain low urbanized and having low population resulting low urban growth with
in those area on the other hand some of its area is over populated and very
much congested but all those area are with in the boundary of city corporation,
it is very interesting that although both of the area with in the jurisdiction
of city corporation but they have very vast variation in the field of urban
growth and population and also the density pattern. In this paper, it shows the
root cause of urban growth variation and population density of the KCC wards. It
also reflects the interesting phenomenon of growth variation and its dynamism
of population distribution pattern with in the KCC wards.
1.2 Statement of the problems
The rapid pace
of urbanization during the past 30 years has resulted in explosive growth of
cities in developing countries of the world. ( World bank, 1975, The task ahead
for the cities of the developing countries, staff working paper no. 209, p.19.)
It has the most important phenomenon affecting the land and people of these
countries. Khulna is a metropolitan cities
having experienced with high population growth among the other city corporation
area except Dhaka . Now its total population
approximately 0.9 million. The gross density of the city corporation area
remain 16000 person /sq. km. which is very densely populated area. It has total
31 wards and the total population has been distributed among those wards. As
because it is a metropolitan area so its urbanization pattern and population
growth is extremely high than other urban area and its variation is also very
much fluctuated than other areas. The very fast urban growth cause due to rapid
industrialization and transport route as well as Mongla port is another
emphasis factor which result rapid urbanization and urban growth of KCC. although
KCC is more urbanized area than any other cities but its inner population
distribution pattern within the ward is very much fluctuated. With in the KCC
area some wards experience very high urban population with respect to density
and some wards experience low urban growth due to lower population
concentration within the areas. Though the KCC itself a high urbanized area
with excellent job creator city but the urban growth pattern is not
homogeneously. It varies place to place.
1.3. Research questions
From the above problem
it has been identified some questions which may affect the total study. If we
can solve those questions it may give us the total research answer and defined
the specific goals and objectives. After investigate the following questions it
will be shown that they are more objective oriented and if we can classify and
re arranged them we get the stated objectives which is listed below.
this research is aimed to achieve the answer of the following questions.
Q1. What is the
existing population distribution pattern of KCC?
Q2. What is the
growth pattern of population?
Q3. What are the
percentages of population growth in respect of average growth of Bangladesh?
Q4. What is the
urban growth pattern of the area?
Q5. What are the
percentages of population change of the study area?
Q7. What are the
advantages to live in that area?
Q8. What are the
disadvantages to live in the study area?
Q9. What are the
available basic facilities of the study area?
Q10. What is the
house rent structure of the area?
Q11. What is the
reason of people to live in the study area?
Q12 why some KCC
wards are over populated and some are not.
1.4 Objectives
From the above
research questions the following objectives are identified-
- To identify the dynamics of population distribution
in different wards of KCC.
- To examine the physical growth pattern of the study
- To identify the causes of urban growth variation of the study area.
1.4 Scope and limitation of
the Study
This study is designed to develop identify the causes of growth variation
of different wards of KCC (Khulna City Corporation). In view of constraint,
like availability of recent data, adequate information in this field this study
only focus on the population distribution pattern and those areas which have
more variation of population ( like most congested , medium congestion with
first growth and less congested i.e. low growth area), the area under the
jurisdiction of Khulna City Corporation area. This study will focus on the
sustainable urban growth management that will cover how to minimize the vast
gap with appropriate measure, how to improve the overall condition of urban
growth. In spite of this it will also identify the core and social problem that
related with our daily urban life why we live in this place why not to the
other place. Perhaps this findings is much more important and it reflect the
practical and appropriate situation of the total city corporation area and what
is the bottleneck of some wards why people live in another places. To identify
those problem and causes the concerned authority might more aware so that the
problem related with urbanization may decline.
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