Project Background
The growth of urban population in Bangladesh
has outpaced the growth of necessary public
including the water supply, sanitation, and solid waste management. The gap
the demand of
these public services and the supply provisions might increase further as
have warned that
by 2060 the population of Bangladesh might be 230 million (before it
stabilizes) of
which 70 percent would be living in the urban settlements. Currently, 35
of the population
of Bangladesh has concentrated in the urban areas which constitute about 20
percent of the
countryās habitable area and thus population density in urban areas are very
high. The
situation is further worsened due to higher poverty rates in these urban areas.
Asian Development
Bank estimated that of the 157.90 million population of Bangladesh, 31.5
percent live
below the national poverty line (ADB, 2016). According to the latest estimates,
among the urban
population 43 percent are poor and 23 percent are extreme poor (IFAD,
2017). Even in
the major cities, a significant proportion of these poor and extreme poor have
limited or no
legal rights to the land upon which they have settled. Their dwellings tend to
constructed, with pathways between homes as narrow as just a couple of feet,
occupying every available covered space. A significant portion of poor slum
live in very
challenging environment (low lying area or area prone to landslide), where
inadequate and
faulty drainage provision makes them vulnerable to flooding/water logging, and
landslide during
the monsoon season. They live a very sub-human life due to lack of access to
clean water and
sanitation facilities, land tenure and sufficient space for living/inadequate
housing, absence
of utility service, improper waste management, lack of adult education, lack
of access of
health services etc.
Lack of sufficient space for living,
inadequate water and sanitation facilities, lack of health care services, less
opportunities for education, insecurity and other problems are directly
affecting the wellbeing of this segment of population in urban slam
settlements. The same can be said about Rangpur, which was established on 28th
June 2012 with an area of 205.70 sq. km. Total population of Rangpur City
Corporation is 796,556 (male 398,282 & female 398,274). Rangpur City
Corporation (RpCC) consists of 33 wards and 03 zones. Total slums in RpCC is 96
where there are total 67,302 people with 32466 males and 34,836 female slum
dwellers. In these areas, access to basic services such as health care,
education, safe water, and sanitation is often difficult or cost prohibitive.
In Rangpur City Corporation, the poor segments are left out from the formal
system of services. For example, the slum dwellers of Dhaka City Corporation
are now entitled to have water supply from the government system; however, the similar
service lacks in the Rangpur City Corporation.
Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA) has
not been established for Rangpur City Corporation yet and thus RpCC itself has
been managing the sanitation part while DPHE is responsible for ensuring water
supply through RpCC. RpCC is facing several challenges, including unplanned
city development and informal settlements and increased demand of water supply,
sanitation, and waste management. Samasundor canal inside and around the
Rangpur city became a curse for the city dwellers as its not being properly
maintained and all households are connecting their sewerage lines to the drain
openly. RpCC serves most of the
Low-Income Consumers (LIC) dwellers, many of whom have unauthorized connections
of different utility services. A substantial portion of the more vulnerable LIC
households has minimal or no access to water services. In terms of quality
water service delivery to the RpCC LICs, it is observed that mostly the big
slums receive support and development interventions by various organizations,
while small slum areas are either ignored or receive limited support. Initial
analysis show that this is due to high risk of evictions and poverty
accessibility of utility services are limited in these areas. The small slums
are scattered through railroad sides or other inaccessible areas, and therefore
do not get enough attention and services. This is even though there are
opportunities to provide WASH services to these areas though existing
resources. It is also important to highlight that there is no detailed data and
statistics available to better understand the root cause of these issues.
In response to the above situation and to
improve evidence base for policy and practical solutions, it is suggested to
conduct a WASH Service Mapping exercise. This exercise will
allow to better identify and analyze gaps in Rangpur City Corporation, and map
out the existing service point status, their quality of providing services,
number of services given, accessibility of the service points from community
perspective and community service seeking behavior. As part of the Work Plan
signed between UNICEF and the Rangpur City Corporation, and as part of its
mandate to enable equal access to services for children, UNICEF intends to
support to undertake the WaSH Service Mapping Assessment for RpCC.
This assessment will allow to understand the
needs and behavior of the Low-Income Consumers including children and women and
sex disaggregated data in Rangpur City Corporation, need and role of Water
Supply and Sewerage Authority, along with their socio-economic condition;
estimated total population; required WaSH service facilities, locations; water
supply and sanitation services they get from RpCC and other stakeholders;
process and scenarios of revenue collection; hygiene situation; and other major
challenges. The assessment will also
recommend an action plan and indicative budget for implementing an on-going,
easy-to-update and user-friendly data collection and management process, which
could maintain the city map as accurate and relevant, so that it can act as an
effective tool to assist RpCCās investment and management planning. This will
also allow to review the RpCC masterplan and come up with WASH masterplan to be implemented. The recommended
action plan also should include roles and responsibilities and a recommended
management structure, with suggested support in terms of equipment and capacity
development. In this backdrop this study/assessment is
conceived by the
UNICEF/RpCC where the PASS and HRD foundation would like to come forward with
its expertise to assist the knowledge service procuring
1.2. Purpose of Assignment:
To map the existing water sources, sanitation services, and waste
management; Faecal Sludge Management (FSM), and identify gaps and scope of work
in 33 wards of Rangpur City Corporation in line with Child Friendly City
Initiative (CFCI). The main output of the assessment will be a GIS map with WaSH
database and an action plan for Rangpur City Corporation.
The purpose of the assignment is to provide information and
evidence base for developing a WaSH Master Plan for the low-income
settlements/slums of Rangpur City Corporation (RpCC). This will be done through
preparation of a GIS base map with WaSH database (existing water sources, sanitation
services, solid waste and fecal sludge management); identification of gaps and
scope of work in 33 wards of Rangpur City Corporation to perform advocacy, to
provide WASH support (to the Low-Income Community); the
development of comprehensive master plan for a capacity building, budgeting, implementing,
reporting and monitoring/evaluation/updating of WaSH interventions within a
full accountability of all stakeholders, and finally by promoting equitable
access to improved WaSH services for the
most vulnerable and poorest households in RpCC. The main output of the
assessment will be a GIS map with key components of WASH database.
1.3. Specific goals and objectives of the assignment are-
1.To explore the existing WaSH practice and asses the WaSH situation
in Rangpur City Corporation area focusing slum and poor settlements.
2.To identify the existing WaSH facilities in RpCC area and
prepare an inventory.
3.To identify the existing public space and growth centers and
asses their WaSH demand.
4.To assess the WaSH demand for whole Rangpur City Corporation
(Ward wise)
5.To prepare a future for 10 years based on āNational Water and
Safely managed sanitation policy 2020-2030ā with role and responsibility and
recommend a management structure with suggested support in terms of equipment
and capacity development.
1.4 Timeframe:
The Plan for Water Supply and
Sanitation will be for a period of 20 years starting from 2020. The Strategy's
progress will be reviewed annually, and it will be updated and revised after
five years.
1.5 Guiding Principles
The Strategy is based on the
following guiding principles.
1. Safe water supply and sanitation for all establish as citizen
2. Treating water is a limited water resource, ensure quality and
pure water supply to all and reduce wastage of water through integrated water supply
3. Promote water supply, sanitation, and hygiene components in annual
budget and donar funded development program.
4. Adopt a participatory, demand driven and inclusive approach in
all stages of WaSH service
delivery programs.
5. Initiate gender inclusive WaSH development scheme.
6. Ensure WaSH facilities during and after any kind of natural and
manmade disasters and climate change.
7. Improve sectoral governance to ensure transparency and
accountability at all stages of service delivery.
8. Undertake a gradual approach to improve the quality and service
9. Promote enhanced
private sector participation.
1.6. The Scope of Study
The following scope of
services were considered while performing the consultancy service to UNICEF/CCC.
conduct a WaSH Service Mapping exercise to improve evidence base for policy and
practical solutions; such GIS-based mapping exercise would help: to identify
and analyses gaps in WaSH servicesā provision in slums in Rangpur City; to map
out the existing service point status, their quality of providing services,
number of services given, accessibility of the service points from community
perspective and community service seeking behavior.
To understand the
needs and behavior of the Low-Income Consumers in Rangpur City Corporation
jurisdiction, along with their socio-economic condition; estimated total
population; locations; water supply and sanitation services they get from
Rangpur City Corporation and other stakeholders; process and scenarios of
revenue collection; hygiene situation; and other major challenges.
Finally, to
recommend an action plan and indicative budget for implementing an ongoing,
easy-to- update and user-friendly data collection and management process, which
could maintain the city map as accurate and relevant, so that it can act as an
effective tool to assist Rangpur City Corporation investment and management
1.7. Limitation of the Study:
the study covers a whole range of issues of WaSH in Rangpur city and consulted
many sectors/stakeholders to prepare the WaSH Master/Action Plan, yet the plan
has the following shortcomings.
the WaSH issues of slums cut-across many sectors and jurisdictions. The study
team as per the ToR of the study has only investigated the WaSH situation in
the premises of surveyed slums and low-income settlements. As the slum people
make use of WaSH facilities in their workplaces, health service facilities,
schools, and other public places those places/facilities should have been
included in the study.
a significant proportion of the slums/low-income settlements in Rangpur city is
owned by private landlords. Any upgradation/development intervention whether it
is WaSH Plan or anything else in these slums must be designed and implemented
with the support from the private landlords/slum owners. However, there exists
some form of mistrust among the private slum owners about the intention of such
WaSH development plan. Their cooperation is necessary but not sufficient to I
initiate such long-term WaSH Master Plan. There is need for creating an
enabling environment where they would act as a long-term viable partner.
Rangpur City Corporation has a series of mandate to do for their city dwellers
where WaSH is
one of them. The main mandate of city council is to development of physical
infrastructure like road, drain, bridge, culverts, streetlight etc. As a result,
this sector is overlooked by the authority. As a result, this plan become a
useless book in the self.
it is very difficult to tracking the low-income and slum dwellers. The move any
time for their livelihood. As a result, it is become difficult to assess the
demand and prepare action plan for them. The population count during the survey
and during implementation the plan may varies significantly. Then it may seem
that the survey was wrong.
WaSH Master Plan covers lots of issues including awareness/knowledge building, attitude/behavior
change, and change in WaSH practices which need to be addressed going beyond
sporadic intervention like occasional campaign. These issues have to be well
placed in school curriculum from where the slum children would benefit as well.
However, review of WASH issues in curriculum was beyond this exercise.
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