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Growth Rate Analysis of Goat

Growth Rate Analysis of Goat

As the popular saying goes, goat is the poor manā€™s cow. It is in fact farming meat goats can be more effective and profitable than either sheep or cattle. In general the birth weight is around 800g-900g without any supplementary feed. But in favorable condition with our multi grain feed the kid can gain 200-500g at birth. On the other hand, a kid should gain at least 15-20 grams per day from birth to 100 days of age. But if the kid continues to have the feed, it can easily gain more than 20 grams per day. Assuming that, it would be slaughtered from 6-12 month of age, here is a comparative analysis of growth rate of goat with and without taking the feed.



Average growth with

 supplementary feed (g)

Average growth without

supplementary feed (g)

At Birth



3 month (3x30x20=1800)



6 month (6x30x20=3600)



9 month (9x30x20=5400)



12 month (12x30x20=7200)



*Assuming that a goat will gain 10g weight per day without supplementary feed & gain 20g having the supplementary feed.

Break Even Point (BEP): 

BEP can be defined as a point where total costs (expenses) and total sales (revenue) are equal. It is used to analysis to know the point where there is no net profit or loss.

The result of analysis on Break Even Point (BEP) for each model is shown below


Per day she-goat growth 20gm (if take 250/300 gm feed). 

Feed price (38 tk/1kg) 300 gm feed price=11 tk or 80 gm weight gain for 38tk.

And meet price 800 tk/1 kg (20 gm=16 tk) 


Break Even Point (BEP) = Fixed Cost / Marginal Profit Ratio

                                         = Fixed Cost / {1- (Variable Cost / Sales)}

                                         = 5000/{1-(4836/8.3x800)}





*Assuming the price of Goat bought at 5000/-

& it will be sold at 800/- per kg



Break Even Sales Number (BESN) = BEP / Average Sales Price




Break Even Sales Rate (BESR) = BESN / Number of Production




Break Even Mortality Rate (BEMR) = (1 - BESR) Ɨ 100

                                                           = (1-1.34) x 100

                                                           = - 0.34 x 100

                                                           = - 34




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