works in the flood-prone districts of Sylhet and Moulvibazar which experienced
severe flooding in May and June of 2022. In May, ffter the effect of Asani and
western low pressure, almost 10 days of incessant and heavy rainfall with the
upstream flow of the Indian state of Meghalaya resulted in the severe flooding
of north-eastern Sylhet. Twenty-one unions of eight Upazilas, namely, Companiganj,
Gowainghat, Jaintiapur, Kanaighat, Bishwanath, Zakiganj, Sylhet Sadar, and
Golapganj were flooded, affecting a total of 72,9951 people.
next month, a week of incessant
and heavy rainfall since 14 June 2022 in the North-East of Bangladesh and
adjacent states of India has resulted in a flood already recognized as the
worst in the same region the last 122 years. The resulting flood submerged more
than 72% of Sylhet district and 50% of Moulvibazar, leaving a severe impact on
Suchanaās activities.
Suchanaās MEAL & KM team conducted a
Post-Flood Assessment 2022 a month after the flood water receded to assess how beneficiaries
are recovering after the flood from a resilience perspective. The Assessment also
highlights the loss of physical properties, live assets (Suchana and
non-Suchana support), and coping/adaptive measures are taken by beneficiaries,
including Suchanaās climate-smart production technology. Furthermore, the study
enquires upon the sources of support for the affected population and how it was
utilized. The findings map the journey of Suchana beneficiaries starting from
the immediate impact of the floods through their response and coping strategies
to survive and then finally, bouncing back with their own resourcefulness and
support from Suchana and beyond.
Methods and Sampling
quantitative survey with a structured questionnaire delivered via KOBO tools and
a set of qualitative data collection tools were utilized in this mixed methods assessment,
developed by the MEAL team. The respondents of the quantitative survey were
randomly selected from the most affected Upazilas within Suchanaās working
area. From each union, the most flood-affected villages were ranked based on
the Situation Report from the Department of Disaster Management, Bangladesh and the
top five were selected. Then, 8-10 beneficiary households were randomly
selected from these villages. At each union, major Suchana sub-groups based on
input support were represented. Data were collected from fifteen Upazilas of
Sylhet and Moulvibazar.
Key Informant Interviews were conducted with GoB stakeholders, namely, Upazila
Agriculture Officer, Upazila Fisheries Officer, Upazila Livestock Officer, UNO,
PIO, CHCP (Community Clinic), Upazila Disaster Management Committee Member or
UDMC Member, and UP Member (women). FGDs were conducted among groups of IGA Off-farm, Horticulture (HFP +VMF), and Aquaculture (Subsistence + pond) beneficiaries.
Two FGDs were focused on mothers and children and one was dedicated to adolescents
to capture the elevated challenges faced by these groups. The data was
collected by IP MEKMO, GCDO, NO, and UC , supervised by the IP MEAL focal (APC)
and UPC between dates.
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