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Written Test Exam Question and Answer for the post of Senior Officer MEAL of Save the Children

1. Please write a success story using the below hints:

A child under five with severe pneumonia named Samir was referred to IMCI corner in Banaripara Upazila Health Complex from a Community Clinic under Banaripara Upazila. The service provider of IMCI corner suggested admitting at Banaripara Upazila Health. The child was admitted and kept under observation at the allocated bed in the hospital. The caregiver of the children was oriented on danger signs of childhood pneumonia by service providers who were trained on IMCI by Save the Children. The child was discharged after 7 days with proper orientation of follow-up visit. The caregiver of the baby maintained the follow-up visits and now the baby is in good health and with proper growth. 

                                         Answer to the Question No: 1

"Successful Management of Severe Pneumonia in a Child Under Five: A Case Study of the IMCI Corner at Banaripara Upazila Health Complex"

Rectangle: Rounded Corners: Space for a Quality PictureA child under the age of five named Samir was referred to an IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) corner at the Banaripara Upazila Health Complex from a Community Clinic under Banaripara Upazila. The child was suffering from severe pneumonia and the service provider at the IMCI corner suggested that the child be admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment.

Upon admission, the child was allocated a bed in the hospital and kept under observation. The caregiver of the child was oriented on the danger signs of childhood pneumonia by service providers who were trained on IMCI by Save the Children. This education on the warning signs of pneumonia was crucial for the caregiver as it allowed them to identify if the child's condition was worsening and to seek medical attention immediately.

During the child's hospital stay, the service providers who were trained on IMCI by Save the Children also provided proper care and treatment for the child's pneumonia. This included administering antibiotics and providing supportive care such as oxygen therapy if needed. The child's condition was closely monitored and after 7 days, the child was discharged from the hospital with proper orientation on follow-up visits.

The caregiver of the child was instructed to schedule follow-up visits to ensure that the child was recovering properly and to monitor for any recurring symptoms. The caregiver was also provided with education on how to prevent pneumonia and the importance of early detection and treatment. The caregiver followed up and the baby is now in good health and proper growth.

The IMCI approach also includes training and support for health workers to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care to children in their communities. This is important as it ensures that children receive the best possible care and that health workers are equipped to handle common illnesses in children.

In conclusion, this scenario is an example of how integrated management of childhood illness can improve health outcomes for children in the community. The IMCI approach helped to identify and treat the child's pneumonia, as well as provide education and follow-up support to ensure the child's continued recovery. The IMCI corner at the Banaripara Upazila Health Complex played a crucial role in the child's recovery and the training and support provided to health workers ensures that they are able to provide high-quality care to children in the community.

2. Tackling Pneumonia Project works to contribute to ā€œreduced child mortality in Barishal districtā€ where increased access to quality health services is one outcome. Please prepare Indicator Performance Tracking Table (IPTT) matrix to capture the progress of 3 possible outputs level indicators of the project. The IPTT will be for one year and quarterly progress will be tracked.

Answer to the Question No: 2

The output indicators for the Tackling Pneumonia Project are in the below table. The indicators Performance Tracking Table (IPTT) is.


Baseline (Year 0)

Target (Year 1)

Q1 Progress

Q2 Progress

Q3 Progress

Q4 Progress

Output 1: Increased access to quality health services







Output 2: Reduced child mortality rate in Barishal district







Output 3: Increased number of health facilities providing pneumonia treatment








Note: X, Y, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, A, B, C1, C2, C3, C4, D, E, F1, F2, F3, F4 represent numerical values that would be specific to the context of the project.

Answer to the Question No: 3

3. Tackling Pneumonia Project has a learning agenda, e.g. effectiveness of the crash program to increase vaccination coverage in the hard-to-reach area. So, please explain the possible methodologies and tools to capture the learning of the project.

There are several methodologies and tools that can be used to capture the learning of the Tackling Pneumonia Project, specifically its effectiveness of the crash program to increase vaccination coverage in hard-to-reach areas:

   Surveying or Questioner Survey: Surveys can be used to gather information from target populations about their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to pneumonia and vaccination. This can be used to assess the impact of the crash program on increasing vaccination coverage.
     Focus group discussion (FGD): Focus groups can be used to gather qualitative data on the experiences and perceptions of target populations regarding the crash program. This can provide insights into the barriers and facilitators to increasing vaccination coverage.
3.    Key-person Interviews (KII): Key-Informant Interviews can be conducted with key stakeholders, such as healthcare workers, community leaders, and government officials, to gather their perspectives on the crash program and its effectiveness.
4.  Case studies and Best Practice Documentation: Case studies can be conducted to understand the specific context and challenges faced in a particular hard-to-reach area and how the crash program addressed them. Best Practices can be documented to replicate the practices in another area.
5.   Data analysis and Finding Sharing: Data on vaccination coverage and pneumonia incidence before and after the crash program can be analyzed to assess its effectiveness. This could be done by comparing the data with the national and global averages. These findings can be shared to program for finding the gaps between the program and the national and international levels.
6.     Logic Model: The project team can use a logic model to define the project objectives, activities, outputs and outcomes, and use it to track progress and measure the impact of the project.
7.    Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: involving the target population and other stakeholders in the evaluation process can provide valuable insights and feedback on the crash program.
8.  Action Research: The project team can use action research as a methodology to improve their understanding of the project and the context in which it operates and make adjustments to improve project outcomes.
9.    Collaborative learning: The project team can use collaborative learning as a methodology to work with other organizations and stakeholders and learn from their experiences and best practices.
10.  Quality Benchmarking: The project team can use Quality benchmarking as a methodology to compare the project outcomes with similar projects in other countries or regions and learn from their successes and challenges.

4. 4. How can we showcase the impact of the Tackling Pneumonia Project both internally and externally?

Answer To the Question No: 4

There are several ways to showcase the impact of the Tackling Pneumonia Project internally and externally:

  • 1.      Collect and share data on the number of cases of pneumonia treated, the number of lives saved, and the cost savings achieved through the project.
  • 2.      Create infographics or videos that visually display the impact of the project and share them internally and externally.
  • 3.      Share testimonials from patients, families, and healthcare workers who have been impacted by the project.
  • 4.      Invite external stakeholders, such as government officials, media outlets, and other organizations, to visit the project and see the impact firsthand.
  • 5.      Publish case studies or research articles on the project in relevant publications or on the organization's website.
  • 6.      Share the project's impact on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.
  • 7.      Organize events or webinars to share the project's impact with internal and external stakeholders.
  • 8.      Create an interactive impact dashboard to easily track and display the project's progress.
  • 9.      Use data visualization tools to show the change in the incidence of pneumonia over time.
  • 10.  Share the project's impact on key performance indicators such as morbidity, mortality and healthcare utilization, and how they compare to the national and global average.


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