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Written Test Question for Programme Support (Resilience) of Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)

                                                                     Written Test for

Programme Support (Resilience)

Date: 09 January 2023

Duration: 1:00 hour

Full marks: 100

FAO Bangladesh would like to thank you for your kind interest in applying for the Programme Support (Resilience) vacancy announcement. You have been short-listed for the written test (first phase of the selection process). If successful, you will be invited for face-to-face interview (second phase of the selection process).  

Please read the instructions carefully before starting the test.

Important Notes

1.       The time allocated is 1:00 hour from the receipt of the test.  In fairness to all applicants, please return your response within the stipulated time, by e-mail.

2.       Please do not write your name or reveal any other personal details in any part of your written assignment paper.

3.       Your responses will be ā€œblind-markedā€ by subject matter experts. Responses will be rated on the basis of the job requirements as per the vacancy announcement.

4.       Your answers to these questions must be your own. You should not seek assistance from other persons. Seeking the assistance from other persons and plagiarism may lead to automatic exclusion from further consideration. 

5.       This test is confidential, hence, circulation of the same is not permitted.

Wish You All the Best!


  1. A monsoon flood is approaching the northern part of the country. Please prepare a Situation Report stating the probability of flooding based on the forecast and with potential impact information for management to understand the situation. Please list down the relevant humanitarian actors/agencies at different levels whom you are planning to send the SitRep. ā€“ 25 Marks
  2. What do you know about Forecast Based Financing/Anticipatory Action/Early Action? How do you think these are relevant to the Bangladesh context? Please mention the reasons behind your opinions - If ā€˜Yesā€™ then why Or if ā€˜Noā€™ then why not?  ā€“ 25 Marks 
  3. From an after-action learning report from the Office of the Resident Coordinator, you have found that beneficiaries had complaints about how FAO inputs were distributed. Please develop a formal response on how FAO plans to address the complaints and how we will improve distributions going forward. ā€“ 25 Marks
  4. What considerations should be taken into account for the design of a programming planning to distribute cash and inputs to a community? ā€“ 25 Marks 


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