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Guidelines for Facilitators During the Training Session: Dos and Don'ts

List of Dos and Don'ts for Facilitators


{ Do create a safe and inclusive learning environment where participants feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and experiences.

{ Do respect diverse perspectives and encourage open dialogue among participants.

{ Do maintain confidentiality and ensure the privacy of any personal stories or disclosures shared by participants.

{ Do provide clear explanations and examples to enhance understanding of complex concepts related to gender, DRR, CCA, and GBV.

{ Do promote active participation by using interactive activities, group discussions, and case studies to facilitate learning.

{ Do encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills through thought-provoking questions and exercises.

{ Do adapt the Manual content and delivery approach to suit the cultural context and needs of the participants.

{ Do emphasize the importance of taking action and applying the knowledge gained from the Manual in real-life situations.

{ Do provide appropriate resources, references, and further reading materials for participants to deepen their understanding.


{ Don't impose personal opinions or biases on participants. Facilitators should remain neutral and unbiased throughout the sessions.

{ Don't tolerate or condone any form of discrimination, harassment, or disrespectful behavior among participants.

{ Don't rush through the Manual content. Allow sufficient time for discussions, reflection, and activities to ensure meaningful engagement.

{ Don't make assumptions about participants' experiences or backgrounds. Instead, encourage individuals to share their own perspectives.

{ Don't dismiss or trivialize participants' concerns or questions. Treat all queries and contributions with respect and address them appropriately.

{ Don't shy away from addressing sensitive topics. Instead, create a supportive environment for discussing challenging issues such as GBV.

{ Don't oversimplify complex issues or generalize experiences. Acknowledge the nuances and diversity within gender, DRR, CCA, and GBV.

{ Don't ignore self-care. Encourage participants to practice self-care during and after the sessions and provide appropriate resources if needed.

By adhering to these dos and don'ts, facilitators can create a supportive and empowering learning environment for participants, allowing them to engage effectively with the Manual content and apply their learnings to promote positive change in their communities.

These facilitator guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for delivering a gender Manual focusing on Climate Change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and gender-based violence in the context of health and Family Planning. Facilitators should adapt the guidelines to the specific needs and cultural context of the participants. By fostering dialogue, promoting inclusivity, and encouraging action-oriented learning, this Manual aims to empower individuals and communities to address gender disparities and promote health and Family Planning in disaster-affected settings.


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